Some information about Saudi Arabia

Locator Map of Saudi Arabia

– The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies of southwestern Asia.

Map of Saudi Arabia

-The area of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia area of around 2,000,000 square kilometers.

-The political system in Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.

File:Kingdom Tower at night.JPG

-Riyadh is capital city of Saudi Arabic.

– The flag of Saudi Arabia. It is a green flag featuring in white an Arabic inscription and a sword. The inscription is the Islamic creed, or shahada.

– The climate is dry hot summer and cold winter in the interior parts; and high temperature and humidity in the coastal areas.

-The Kingdom has divided into (13) administrative regions.

-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrates its National Day each year on September 23, in commemoration of the founding of the Kingdom by King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud in 1932A.D -1351 A.H-

نتيجة بحث الصور عن الاحتفالات في السعودية

-The official holidays in Saudi Arabia:

Eid Al Adha – National Day- Eid Al Fatr – Weekend holidays.

-The official religion in Saudi Arabia is Islam but other religions, for example,
Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others. They are for the purpose of work.

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